高教版(2021)中职英语基础模块1 Unit 3 Shopping 全单元课件(49张PPT)

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高教版(2021)中职英语基础模块1 Unit 3 Shopping 全单元课件(49张PPT)

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(共49张PPT)ShoppingUnit 3英语1 基础模块understand information about shoppingask for and give information when shoppingexchange ideas about online shoppingwrite online customer reviewslearn more about promoting local specialties onlineLearning Objectives01Warming Up02Listening and Speaking03Reading and Writing04Culture Understanding05Language Practice06Group Work07Self-assessment01Warming Up将以下物品与你偏好的购物场所相匹配。Think and match.fruitsshoesstationerysnacksbeveragesbooksgiftsconvenience storestreet marketbookstoreshopping mallonline storesupermarketWhere do you usually buy these things clothes听录音,跟读并将以下句子与衣物相关信息相匹配。Listen, read and match.A. It is a sweater.B. It is red.C. It is made of cotton.D. It is a medium one.E. It is a pair of jeans.F. It is 150 yuan.type of clothes ___price ___size ___color ___material ___AECBDF02Listening and Speaking听录音,勾选出与对话内容相关性最强的图片。Listen and tick.ABC√1) The man likes blue best.2) The T-shirt was bought in a shopping mall last week.3) The woman also wants to buy a T-shirt.再听录音,判断以下说法的正误。Listen and decide.TFT再听录音,补全对话中T恤衫的吊牌信息。Listen and complete.COMFY T-SHIRTMaterial: ____________Color: ____________Price: ____________Men / S M L100% cottonBlue99 yuan录音原文ScriptWoman: Hey, that’s a nice T-shirt!Man: Thanks. I bought it last week.Woman: The color is perfect for you.Man: Yeah, blue is always my favorite.Woman: It looks soft and comfortable. Is it made of silk Man: No. I think it’s 100% cotton.Woman: That’s nice. I want to get one for my brother.Man: You can. I bought it from an online store, and it’s only 99 yuan.Woman: Great!听录音,跟读并标出与购物相关的语句。Listen, read and underline.Shop assistant: Hello, how can I help you Customer: I’d like a pair of jeans, please.Shop assistant: How about these They’re very popular.Customer: I like the style. Can I try them on Shop assistant: Of course. What size are you Customer: 25.Shop assistant: Here you are. The fitting room is over there.Customer: I think they’re a bit tight. Do you have a larger size Shop assistant: Yes. Try this pair.(5 minutes later)Customer: Now they fit well. How much are they Shop assistant: 170 yuan. They’re on sale now.Customer: Good. I’ll take them. Can I pay with my cell phone Shop assistant: Sure. Please show me your payment code.Customer: Here.Shop assistant: Thank you very much.参照上个活动,根据以下信息与同伴练习对话。Imitate and practice.参照上个活动,根据以下信息与同伴练习对话。Imitate and practice.Shop assistant: Hello, how can I help you Customer: I’d like a jacket, please.Shop assistant: How about this one It’s very popular.Customer: I like the style. Can I try it on Shop assistant: Of course. What size are you Customer: M / Medium.Shop assistant: Here you are. The fitting room is over there.Customer: I think it’s a bit too big. Do you have a smaller size Shop assistant: Yes. Try this one.(5 minutes later)Customer: Now it fits well. How much is it Shop assistant: 180 yuan. It’s on sale now.Customer: Good. I’ll take it. Can I pay with my cell phone Shop assistant: Sure. Please show me your payment code.Customer: Here.Shop assistant: Thank you very much.假设市场营销专业学生在校园运动会期间开展营销实践活动。根据以下海报内容,与同伴轮流扮演销售人员和顾客并进行对话。Role play.Snacks & BeveragesSALERole play.Shop assistant: Hello, how can I help you Customer: I’d like a milk tea and a box of cookies, please.Shop assistant: Here you are.Customer: How much are they Shop assistant: 19 yuan. They’re on sale now.Customer: Good. I’ll take them. Can I pay with my cell phone Shop assistant: Sure. Please show me your payment code.Customer: Here.Shop assistant: Thank you very much.假设市场营销专业学生在校园运动会期间开展营销实践活动。根据以下海报内容,与同伴轮流扮演销售人员和顾客并进行对话。03ReadingandWriting将以下网络购物的优势,按照对你的吸引力从大到小(从1到5)进行排序。Think and rank.It saves time.You can get lower prices.You can buy things at home at any time.There are more products for you to choose.You can get more information about the product.浏览某购物网站的商品页面,勾选出最有可能选购该商品的用户。Read and tick.Good Start Student’s English Dictionary 5th Edition builds your English vocabulary better than ever before and leads the way to more confident communication in English.The Bestselling Dictionary for English Learners in Chinaby AZ Press★★★★☆ 511 Customer reviews 93.00[25% discount until Nov. 31st] [ 124.00 ]Good Start Student’s English Dictionary 5th Edition.浏览某购物网站的商品页面,勾选出最有可能选购该商品的用户。Read and tick..Good Start Student’s English Dictionary 5th Edition includes the most important words in English and the most useful words for the workplace; explains word meanings in both Chinese and simple English; provides example sentences to show words in use; offers free online vocabulary practice.Compared to the 4th edition, this new edition adds as many as 1 000 new words; includes more words from traditional Chinese culture, such as jiaozi, Tai Chi, Kungfu, and the Dragon-Boat Festival; uses larger font sizes for easier reading.浏览某购物网站的商品页面,勾选出最有可能选购该商品的用户。Read and tick.Zhao DanWang LiElla Bakera college English professora student learning Englishan exchange student learning Chinese√再次浏览商品页面,将以下信息填入对应虚线处。Read and complete.Good Start Student’s English Dictionary 5th Edition builds your English vocabulary better than ever before and leads the way to more confident communication in English.The Bestselling Dictionary for English Learners in Chinaby AZ Press★★★★☆ 511 Customer reviews 93.00[25% discount until Nov. 31st] [ 124.00 ]Good Start Student’s English Dictionary 5th Edition.PriceKey FeaturesAdd to CartCustomer RatingOriginal PriceAbout the ProductCustomer RatingPriceOriginal PriceAbout the ProductAdd to Cart.Good Start Student’s English Dictionary 5th Edition includes the most important words in English and the most useful words for the workplace; explains word meanings in both Chinese and simple English; provides example sentences to show words in use; offers free online vocabulary practice.Compared to the 4th edition, this new edition adds as many as 1 000 new words; includes more words from traditional Chinese culture, such as jiaozi, Tai Chi, Kungfu, and the Dragon-Boat Festival; uses larger font sizes for easier reading.PriceKey FeaturesAdd to CartCustomer RatingOriginal PriceAbout the ProductKey Features再次浏览商品页面,将以下信息填入对应虚线处。Read and complete.细读商品页面的介绍部分,判断以下说法的正误。Read and decide.1) Good Start Student’s English Dictionary 5th Edition can make your communication in English better.2) Good Start Student’s English Dictionary 5th Edition explains the meanings of a word in both Chinese and simple English.This is helpful because it can help you better understand a word.TTCustomer BI like the dictionary. I use it to learn the most useful words for the workplace. And thefree online vocabulary practice is very helpful.Customer AThis is a great dictionary. I can better understand the words by reading their meaningsin English. It helps me a lot. And I like the larger fonts. It’s easier to read.浏览部分消费者对该词典的评价,从商品页面的介绍部分选择至少两个特点,写出你的评价。Read and write.Customer ReviewsWang Dongbin★★★★☆ Great dictionary. I love the example sentences most. They let me knowhow to use the words correctly.Gao Lulu★★★★★ I like the newest edition. It adds many new words. They are so useful..☆☆☆☆☆...☆☆☆☆☆..★★★★★★★★★☆04Culture UnderstandingCulture UnderstandingOnline Shopping DaysThe Internet is changing the way we shop. For most of the modern history, people went to markets, stores and malls to get what they wanted. But in recent years, more and more people choose to go shopping on the Internet. To encourage online shopping, some online stores offer huge discounts on special days of the year, and some of these special days have become big shopping days for people around the world.Big Shopping Days in the WestOne of them is the Black Friday shopping day. It is the day after Thanksgiving. It has long been a big in-store (商店内的) shopping day of the year in Western countries. Since 2019, it has also become the biggest online shopping day in the United States. Cyber (网络的) Monday is another huge online shopping holiday in the West. It is on the Monday after the Thanksgiving weekend.Culture UnderstandingOnline Shopping DaysDouble Eleven and 6.18 in ChinaDouble Eleven is one of the best-known online shopping days in China. It began in 2009 and is set on November 11th every year. 6.18 is China’s mid-year (年中的) online shopping event. The first 6.18 was on June 18th, 2010. Today, Double Eleven and 6.18 are two of the largest online shopping days in the world.Culture UnderstandingWhat do you think about these big online shopping days Why 05Language Practice比较级与最高级GrammarDo you have a larger size It includes the most useful words for the workplace.The new edition adds as many as 1 000 new words.The dictionary builds your vocabulary better than ever before.I love the example sentences most.找出以下表格中单词的变化规律,将表格填写完整。Think and complete.small smallestcheaperlongestbusy busiesthappierhealthysmallercheapcheapestlonglongerbusierhappiesthealthierhealthiesthappylargersimplenice nicestsimplersimplestnicerlargelargest找出以下表格中单词的变化规律,将表格填写完整。Think and complete.busy busiesthottertightestpopularuseful most usefulleast comfortablebiggerhothottestthinthinnermore popularmost popularmore usefulcomfortableless comfortablegood/well betterworstmany/muchbestworsebad/badlymoremost从上个活动中选择适当的单词补全以下句子。Read and complete.1) This T-shirt is too big. I need a       size.2) Clothes made of cotton are usually       than those made of silk.3) Saturday is the       day of the week for the shopping mall.4) The writer’s new book is not as       as her last one.5) These shoes are too tight. They are        than those ones.6) John speaks English       than Ben does.smallercheaperbusiestgoodless comfortablebetter(Answers may vary.)浏览以下三款运动鞋的销售信息,参照示例进行对比描述。Look and compare.eg: Type A is more expensive than Type B.Type B’s customer rating is the best of the three.Type C sells as well as Type B.Training Shoes Type Price Customer Rating Pairs Sold 300 ★★★☆☆ 890 190 ★★★★★ 1250 150 ★★★★☆ 1250expensivecheapgoodbadwellABC选择合适的形容词,用其适当形式补全以下句子。Choose and complete.onlinetightoriginalbestsellingtraditional1) He wrote many __________ books.2) This new book is about __________ Chinese culture.3) The store is selling this sweater at half of its ________ price this week.4) More and more people begin to enjoy ________ shopping.5) ________ clothes are usually not very comfortable to wear.bestsellingtraditionaloriginalonlineTight用所给动词的适当形式补全以下句子。Choose and complete.1) You can       with cash or phone.2) This pair of pants       perfectly. I’ll take them.3)       to older editions, this newest edition is easier to read.4) The shopping mall       free Wi-Fi to all customers.5) This book       the way to good workplace communication.6) To buy a product online, you need to       it to your shopping cart first.addfitoffercompareleadpaypayfitComparedoffersleadsadd06Group WorkCreate a web page to sell local specialties.许多地方的特产(specialties)因产地偏远或缺少销售渠道而滞销。交通运输和网络购物的发展为解决这一问题带来了希望。近年来,不少地区开始通过线上渠道促进特产销售,增加了当地群众收入,带动了当地经济发展。讨论并选定一种地方特产在网上销售。你可以从以下两种特产中选择一种,也可以任选一种自己家乡的特产。Discuss and choose a specialty to sell online. You can choose between the two specialties given or one of the specialties from your hometown.Goji Berries of NingxiaOriginal Price: 70 yuan / bag | Discount: 10% offMost of the best goji berries are from Ningxia.There is a 500-year history of growing goji berries in Ningxia.Goji berries are good for your health because they are rich in vitamins (维生素).New Year’s Paintings (年画) of Zhuxian TownOriginal price: 150 yuan / piece | Discount: 25% offPeople in the town began to make New Year’s paintings in the Song Dynasty (宋朝).The town is one of the first places in China to make New Year’s paintings.People use handmade woodblocks (木刻印版) to make the paintings.结合已有信息,收集所选特产的更多相关信息,写出至少四个介绍其主要特色的句子。Find more information about the specialty. Write at least four sentences to describe its key features.Feature 1Feature 2Feature 3Feature 4为所选特产创建一个销售网页。你可以直接补全以下网页,也可以设计自己的网页。Create a web page to sell the specialty online. You can fill in the web page below or design your own web page.为所选特产创建一个销售网页。你可以直接补全以下网页,也可以设计自己的网页。Create a web page to sell the specialty online. You can fill in the web page below or design your own web page.为所选特产创建一个销售网页。你可以直接补全以下网页,也可以设计自己的网页。Create a web page to sell the specialty online. You can fill in the web page below or design your own web page.07Self-assessmentUse the word cloud to check the words and expressions you have learned.看词汇云,检查自己对本单元单词及词组的掌握情况。根据本单元所学,对自己的表现进行评价。Rate your performance based on what you have learned.After learning this unit, I canuse the key sentence structures, words and expressions;understand information about shopping;ask for and give information when shopping;exchange ideas about online shopping;write online customer reviews;use dictionaries to better build my English vocabulary;learn more about promoting local specialties online.poorlynot wellokaywellvery welladd / d/ v. 增加bestselling / best sel / adj. 畅销的beverage / bev r d / n. (除水以外的)饮料cart /kɑ t/ n. 购物车;手推车communication /k mju n ke n/ n.沟通;交际compare /k m pe (r)/ v. 比较cotton / k tn/ n. 棉花;棉布customer / k st m (r)/ n. 顾客discount / d ska nt/ n. 折扣edition / d n/ n. 版本feature / fi t (r)/ n. 特色;特征fit /f t/ v. (尺寸)合身;适合font /f nt/ n. (印刷或显示的)字体jeans /d i nz/ n. 牛仔裤mall /m l/ n. 商场material /m t ri l/ n. 材质;材料offer / f (r)/ v. 提供online / n la n/ adv./ adj. 在线(的);联网(的)original / r d nl/ adj. 原来的;起初的rating / re t / n. 评级review /r vju / n. 评论;评价silk /s lk/ n. 丝绸size /sa z/ n. 尺码;大小snack /sn k/ n. 零食stationery / ste nri/ n. 文具style /sta l/ n. 款式;风格sweater / swet (r)/ n. 线衣;毛衣tight /ta t/ adj. 紧身的;紧的traditional /tr d nl/ adj. 传统的workplace / w kple s/ n. 工作场所convenience store 便利店Words and Expressionsfitting room 试衣间lead the way to 引向……on sale 打折销售;减价出售payment code 支付码pay with 用……支付shop assistant 商店店员Words and Expressions






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